

My First Trip of Unlock 4.0

Naini lake
Naini Lake

Almost after 5 month sitting inside the room it was the most awaited Trip to Nainital in Uttarakhand. When Uttarakhand govt lift over the restriction cap of 2000 visitors a day in Unlock 4.0 than I decided this is the time now.

So I just pack my bag, take all the required documents along with the much needed RT-PCR test report.

I started my journey from Ghaziabad at early morning around 5am in my swift car. One of my friend was waiting in Raj Nagar so I picked her also on the way. I packed the sandwich and she packed the aloo paratha for the breakfast. As we decided that we will not eat outside.

Almost after 2.5 hour of driving we get the heavy rain falls and the weather changed. We can see that the weather is going to be cold in Nainital and now I was thinking why did not I packed any jacket in my bag. I have only Tshirts and lower in my bag as it was only a 2 days trip. But thank god my friend Rashmi told me that she have the extra light jacket. I am relaxed now!

Just before the Ram Nagar we take a small break and freshen up ourself, have the sandwich and continue our journey. On the border of Uttarakhand we were checked, we already have all the required documents ready but the due to lots of people going towards to Uttarakhand so it took almost 1 hours to get cleared that point.

Around 1PM we entered in Nainital, full of fresh air. Cool wind was flowing along with the Naini Lake. Our hotel was next to Mall Road. We checked in the room by 2PM, have a quick bath and ordered our lunch in room only.

At 5PM we went to lake and roam around. As the sun is settling down, we decided to go for boating next morning. 

It was much needed break after a longtime. We enjoy our 2 day stay there. It was very pleasant to roam in Mall Road as it was almost empty and we can freely move our both arms without touching anyone 🙂



What do you think?

Written by Meenu

राजस्थान – राजे रजवाड़ों का शहर

Delhi to Alwar on a fixed gear bicycle